
We can’t believe that the end of 2023 is already approaching. Halexe has seen tremendous progress this year and we are excited to share an update with you. While it’s hard to believe just how far we’ve come, the progress we made over the last year have set us up for an even bigger 2024.
Q1 2023
– Halexe was awarded first place in the FedTech pitch competition, which began with 11 companies.
-Halexe’s website was developed.
Q2 2023
– Halexe Inc. was officially formed as a Delaware Corporation.
-First animal testing occurred, secondary testing to occur in January 2024.
-We established our HQ in Ann Arbor, near our University of Michigan partners.
Q3/Q4 2023
-Established proof of concept lab to develop our design and prototype.
-Began discussions with manufacturers.
-Officially registered with the federal government to approach funding opportunities.
-Partnered with SPARK Ann Arbor to further embed ourselves in the local ecosystem.
-Secured $50,000 in non dilutive funding.
Thank you for your continued support and we invite you to share our excitement! We look forward to getting into a more regular cadence of updating you on our journey.
All the Best,
Lauren, Peter, and Michael